

Shandong Molong(HK0568) Honorably Listed Forbes Top China 100 Potential Enterprises in 2007
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    Shandong Molong(HK0568) is listed Forbes Top 100 Potential Enterprises depending on its growing sales achievements from rank 33 in 2006 to rank 29 in 2007.
    This ranking list is made based on average sales growth rate, average profits growth rate, average ROE ,average investment gains rate, and average ROI
    From Molong listed in the GEM of Hong Kong Exchange firstly in April of 2006 to the successful transition to Main Board in Feb. of 2007, as the first company with successful transition of Stock H, Molong focused on the R&D of new products and technical reform and developed markets from home and abroad, with continual sales growth of  60% year by year, average annual growth  40% of net profits and average annual 41% of ROE.

Publisher:Information manager   Date:2008-1-23

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