

Precise training to enhance quality, empowering learning to promote improvement - Shandong Molong organizes special training on finance and auditing
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      To further strengthen the standardized operation of the companys finance and auditing, and to train and enhance the comprehensive quality of personnel. On the evening of July 24th, Shandong Molong organized a special training on finance and auditing. Invite a team of 5 from Beijing Certified Public Accountants to conduct specialized training for the companys executives, financial and auditing personnel.

      During the training, company executives, finance and audit personnel asked questions about the problems encountered in finance and audit. Accountants provided systematic explanations and clarifications on aspects such as company audit, financial management, and enterprise operation, and provided guidance and suggestions on key topics such as internal audit, financial control, and improving enterprise management.

      This training had a prominent theme, comprehensive content, and strong targeting, which was very timely and received a positive response from the trainees, further enhancing the professional quality of the companys executives, finance, and auditors. Everyone agrees that we should apply what we have learned, focus on practical results, and effectively apply the training content to future work practice, continuously improving our ability to perform our duties.

Publisher:Information manager   Date:2024-7-24

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