

Award of “Famous Brands for Exportation cultivated and developed as keystones by Shandong Province” was honored to “Molong”
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   Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. enhanced products competitiveness for exportation in the international market and increased quality for exportation increment & enterprises’ benefits to maintain stable and quick development trend of the company through vigorously implementing strategy for famous brands for exportation in the recent several years and enhancing continuously building of dometsics famous brands.
Because of outstanding achievements, ten Governments Sections including Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of Shandong Province decided to honor Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. Award of “ 2006-2007 Famous Brands for Exportation cultivated and developed as keystones by Shandong Province (electromechanical products categories)” 

Publisher:Information manager   Date:2006-6-16

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